Sunday, February 23, 2014


Transformation Journal Exercise

1. Skin-colored, tan, peach-colored, rectangular, elliptical, symmetrical, bendable, flexible, fabric, smooth, fine, soft.

2. Used to fix, or repair, heal, cover, protect, hide, cure, health, healing, guarding. I think the time and place could effect the meaning of a bandage. If you saw one in a doctor's office, or a hospital, you might think of health, or healing. But if you saw it on some person who was clearly hurt and bleeding and had bandages on, I don't think I would automatically see it as healing or healthy, but damaged and trying to protect. Though it doesn't change its ultimate function, the way you see it can change depending on the context. Also, the amount of bandages could be seen in a different way. I feel like if there are a lot of bandages it would seem like they were trying to cover or hide something more than they wanted to protect it or heal it. 

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