Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Carne Griffiths

Carne Griffiths is a British artist who can be seen as an illustrator/painter. He uses inks and tea with graphite. It's a very strange combination but it lets her create these very beautiful and detailed drawings/paintings. 

He tends to create these faces that almost look like they are either decaying or growing. It's very abstract but it I feel like it can be taken either way. Though it is abstract, it's also geometric yet organic at the same time. It doesn't really seem like the shapes are forced or anything, it just looks very natural. 

Mind Colours by Carnegriff

He tends to use a lot of natural colors and blues. Even though the shapes and designs are very natural looking, the blue looks somewhat artificial. It creates a very distinct contrast, I think. This electric blue color conflicts with the neutral colors he uses for everything else, but he executes it very nicely. I feel that the details pull everything together. 

Castle of Pretending by Carnegriff

I really love the way he creates these expressions and ties in the details with them. It adds to the emotion and intensity of the drawing. I also noticed that he tends to use these feather-like details. I'm not sure if this is intentional, but I think that it adds more depth to it. 

The Void by Carnegriff

I also really like this piece that has a dark background and more color. I love contrast, so to me, this is very beautiful.

'Invisible Lines' Hong Kong Nov 2013 by Carnegriff

I think the materials she uses works well together. The watercolor-type paint she uses looks very soft in comparison with the ink and the details. The ink creates very sharp lines and lets her make these very small and thin details. 

Refractions - work in progress by Carnegriff

1 comment:

  1. Très beau et sensuel, Même dans la dureté de l'expression !
