Monday, February 10, 2014


Jae Liu, or better known as Gunnmgally is a Chinese artist who specializes in digital and traditional art.
Itchy - 01
Itchy - 01
pencil, watercolor and acrylic

I found this artist on DeviantArt by seeing one of their pieces while browsing some art. She has a very unique style and creates these stunning and very creative pieces. It seems like a lot of her pieces feel cold. It's hard to explain, but they feel like they don't give off warmth or a lot of happiness. The colors tend to be very muted, or the subjects are very reserved and not very open.

Cosmic Girl by gunnmgally
Cosmic Girl

In the piece above, it looks incredibly simple. If you look at the shape, it's almost just a circle, but there seems to be so much detail within this simple shape. The body isn't defined perfectly or precisely, but you can still understand the image. Though the skin color looks warm, it gives off a cold feeling by looking at the red elbows, back and hands, and the blues off her legs. I personally just really love the simplicity yet deepness of this piece. 

Book Cover- 1on1 by gunnmgally
Book Cover - 1on1

Even though this illustration was done for a book, it still looks very beautiful, yet the boy looks dead. She is very skilled in creating these lifeless expressions and bodies. 

I feel like her intention for some of her pieces is to create a certain feeling. And she does so with the colors she chooses in each work.
Chinese Corpse by gunnmgally

mug by gunnmgally
plane of salty water by gunnmgally
Cave by gunnmgally  These just create feelings of emptiness, lifelessness, and numbness. They are again, fairly simple, but the colors really dictate how beautiful and expressive they can be. These pieces with more saturated colors and more highlights would not create the same effect. Though Gunnmgally may not create these works with a specific idea or concept in mind, they give off that feeling that something more went into these illustrations than just time and effort. 

"All For Fatty"

FATTY05 by gunnmgally Fatty08A by gunnmgally Fatty01 by gunnmgally

Some of her works seem to come in collections or a series. Just like the three above, and the other three (the more wide/horizontal ones) that were shown before. These three above are from the "All For Fatty" series. They share similar colors and a similar feel. When you physically see them all together, you start to notice the subtle similarities. Such as the pinks and reds in each one. In the middle the red is the brightest, and fades to a pink on the right, and a dull, gray-pink on the left. It's really fascinating to see the story they might be telling just by having them next to each other. 

I just really, really love her work. Though she doesn't provide a lot of commentary or explanations for her work, it only makes it that much more interesting to try to figure out what it means or what she was thinking when she created these pieces.

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