Saturday, February 15, 2014

Shintato Ohata

「ひこうき雲」/ ''vapor trail'', 2007, panting, polystyrene based sculpture

Shintaro Ohata is a Japanese artist who combines sculpture and painting to create stunning pieces of art.
The first piece I saw of his, I could not believe it was not only a painting but a sculpture as well. He uses these elements to create a sense of depth and dimension to what otherwise would be simply two dimensional.

 ''2'', 2011, panting, polystyrene based sculpture''2''部分/detail, 2011, panting, polystyrene based sculpture''2''部分/ detail, 2011, panting, polystyrene based sculpture

The colors he uses are very beautiful and often create a certain feeling. The colors are necessarily used just for the look, but how it makes you feel. These reddish colors give this feeling of warmth and security, while the first image shown is more green and feels very cold and lonely. This piece is the first one I every saw from Ohata and it's probably my favorite. Until you start moving around the piece, it probably looks completely flat, just like a painting.

「アジサイ」/ ''AJISAI'', 2009, panting, polystyrene based sculpture

I love how he captures these little moments that you normally might skip over or not even notice at all.

"Shintaro Ohata is an artist who depicts little things in everyday life like scenes of a movie and captures all sorts of light in his work with a unique touch: convenience stores at night, city roads on rainy day and fast-food shops at dawn etc. His paintings show us ordinary sceneries as dramas." (Statement from Shintaro Ohata's official site)

Little things like that is what I really enjoy. Just seeing something that seems so common, yet you can see it in a very beautiful and memorable way.
「アジサイ」部分/ ”AJISAI”detail, 2009, panting, polystyrene based sculpture

The way he paints the two dimensional parts is very stunning as well. He creates this feeling of depth by making the backgrounds sort of blurry. Also, looking at the colors close-up is very beautiful. You don't notice each little panel on the sculptures, but close up you see them, yet it still looks very realistic. I don't know what it is, but his pieces are very emotional.

「ホタル」/ ''Firefly'', 2008, panting, polystyrene based sculpture「ホタル」/ ''Firefly'', 2008, panting, polystyrene based sculpture

「虹」/ ''Rainbow'', 2011, panting, polystyrene based sculpture

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