Friday, February 21, 2014

Alexa Meade

Alexa Meade is an American artist who creates very realistic paintings. Though her canvas is not canvas- it's a human being. 

At first when I saw one of her works, I did not know it was an actual person. I just thought it was a painting. I was impressed by her skills, but it wasn't anything incredibly special. I do love her style though. I then started looking more into it and discovered that these are people who are acting as subjects in a real-life painting. It made me wonder what that would look like to see that painted subject walking around with everybody else and see how surreal that would look.

She did this. It's really fascinating to see this. It looks so real, yet it looks fake against other people and unpainted subjects. It kind of makes you think how real you can make something look but it doesn't look entirely real next to other objects. 

Even though these are real, proportional humans, it can still not look completely real. I love how she transforms this "perfect" canvas into a painting. 

She also does self-portraits. I can't imagine trying to do this on your own body, but she somehow manages to accomplish it and make it look good. I kind of wonder if she uses this to her advantage to modify parts of her body like fixing any physical flaws she may see that she has. I feel like she could go pretty far with this idea of changing someone's body. Or even just integrating more surreal ideas into her work. She has a lot of potential and I'd really love to see her experiment more with other things.

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