Sunday, February 23, 2014

Skeleton/Skin Artist Statement

The Price We Pay

This piece was a challenge for me. The materials used were extremely unusual for me, so it was pretty much an experiment. This piece originally was supposed to be more oval/egg-shaped, but it is harder to support than a wider shape. The frame is really fragile, and hard to keep its shape, so it kind of morphed into a more horizontal shape, unlike the original idea. A lot of this piece was trial and error and finding different ways to put this piece together. It is really frustrating to work with fragile materials like this, so adjustments were made and the material for the skin was changed. This piece was incredibly time consuming, since things didn't go exactly as planned. The materials work together well, since they are all pretty fragile. Even though the materials are pretty delicate, this piece looks somewhat sturdy. Thread was chosen as a material to show breakage, and repair. Black watercolors were used on the tissue paper so it could look darker, creepier, and create contrast. After applying the tissue paper and thread, the frame warped and became asymmetrical. Although it wasn’t supposed to happen, it sort of fits into the creepiness by not being perfectly symmetrical. It also contrasts the straightness of the lines in the threads. The thinness of the tissue also lets parts of the wire frame show through which creates these sharp edges and makes the form look even more distorted.

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