Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Cristina Córdova

Cristina Córdova is an American born and Puerto Rican artist and sculptor. I found her through Juxtapoz magazine, and was very impressed with her work. I only really sculpt figures in my work, so I found her work to be really interesting since I love the figure and how they can be represented and shown in different ways. 

A lot of her sculptures are made of mostly clays and concrete which is interesting because they look like they have been carved completely from stone. The muted colors give this illusion that they are very old, or even old Roman sculptures. 

I feel like she creates a lot of these sculptures with the intent that they don't look super new and "edgy" but more artistic and even historical, but with a twist. The faces on these figures also also somewhat ambiguous as to what gender they are. 

Some of her other works don't share this repetitive color scheme, and instead have large amounts of contrast and the bodies are colored unnaturally or one solid color. I think her intention with this is to bring your attention to not just the colors but what exactly is happening within the sculpture. 
I'm not entirely sure whether or not she has concepts or some other meaning behind her works, but they definitely make you think. What made her chose to make this piece? What was the idea behind it? It's really not clear in many of her works because more often than not, there is only really a single figure in the sculpture without other objects to give meaning or hint at what it could possibly be trying to show.


I also started to notice that the faces look very similar. The ones that are clearly men all have very masculine jaws, chins, and noses. I'm not sure if she was meaning for this face to be repeated, but I noticed and I find it strange. It kind of makes me wonder if that repeated face actually belongs to somebody. 

Some of her works also seem to represent the figure in a way that looks messy, confused, or disorganized. 


She may be trying to go for a chaotic look to her figures, but I really like it. The faces don't always look the prettiest or most appealing, and the faces always have some sort of expression- it's never just blank. To me, I feel that she is showing the uncleanliness that humans hold. We are not flawless, and naturally have far more vices than virtues. A lot of these figures don't show the physical beauty of a person, and instead show the exact opposite.

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