Monday, February 17, 2014

Ellen Jewett

Ellen Jewett is a Canadian artist who specializes in sculpting. She creates these beautiful sculptures of animals with enormous amounts of detail. 

Many of her pieces convey this image of growth, change or movement. The animals evolve and form into different things and is done in a very elegant and metaphorical way. I feel like a lot of her pieces hold some sort of meaning, or the ideas behind what she does. What I first thought was that she is transforming these animals maybe most would see as frightening or hostile, into something that is very natural and gentle. 

Though that probably isn't accurate, it still feels like she is transforming these animals into something very beautiful and giving them different meanings. 
The colors she uses also help the sculptures. I feel that if this sculpture shown above was a different color it would create a very different feeling and it wouldn't be quite as beautiful. 

I'm not really sure what materials she uses, but  it works very well with the pieces. It looks very realistic and gives he the ability to make delicate pieces and details that other material may not let you do well. The fact that these sculptures are not very big at all (usually not much taller or wider than a foot) makes it very impressive that she can work with the material this well to create such detail and accuracy in terms of animal anatomy. 
She doesn't give a lot of information on what specifically she makes her sculptures out of, but she mentions that she uses wire bases and creates many thin layers of light-weight clay on top to create her sculptures. 
However she makes them, she has an insane amount of talent and creativity.

Custom Order- Personal Creature

Custom Order- Animal Stack

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