Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Silvia Pelissero, or bette known as Agnes-Cecile is an Italian painter who studied art in Rome, and continued her career self-taught. 

Agnes-Cecile has a very distinct way of painting- her signature look tends to be the usage of the watercolors dripping and running down the canvas to create these beautiful lines that work beautifully with the rest of the painting. 

She creates contrast with saturated colors mixed with the whites and pastel colors of the skin of the models. I also find that he use of water colors very interesting. She uses them to her advantage by letting them drip down the canvas. I feel like she utilizes her material very well and she understands it. She clearly is an expert in watercolors and paints in general. 

I feel like a lot of her pieces are very emotional and hold a lot of personal meaning. I don't always feel an immediate connection to her pieces but I can tell there is something behind each painting she does. 

I really love the expressions she gives the people in her paintings. They look very distressed or tired, and it for some reason just fits very well with her painting style. If she had changes the faces to look more happy or something I don't think it would fit as well, or look as beautiful. I don't really feel like happiness or joy is as strong as other emotions, or that happiness is as easily described as other emotions like sadness or frustration. 

Even with these beautiful bursts of colors she adds to her paintings, the faces still remain these neutral or listless look.

I personally love this contrast she gives some of her paintings. I feel like that contrast can create an even stronger feeling that if there was only very muted colors. Of course there doesn't necessarily have to be contrast to create a strong piece, but I do think it can help in certain situations. 

She also does these ink paintings which are equally as stunning as the rest of her work. 

I really love black and white, and the way she uses it makes me love it even more. She creates these very emotional pieces that seem to show a lot of negative emotions- anger, confusion, guilt, or sadness. 

I feel that these pieces are more personal for her than the rest of her paintings. I don't know why, but I feel like these pieces just hold a lot more meaning. 


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