Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Kaori Sakai

Encounter by kaori125

Kaori Sakai is a Japanese artist who tends to use a lot of watercolors and inks. I was drawn to her art because it was really creepy and it reminded me a lot of one of my favorite artists, Junji Ito. She creates these very lonely and dark looking paintings and illustrations that would probably make most people feel a little uncomfortable. 

portrait by kaori125LAdy by kaori125

Twilight by kaori125Festival by kaori125

I really love the colors that she uses in a lot of her works because they are very muted and dark, but it doesn't look boring or dull. The colors she chooses fit extremely well with the mood she is trying to accomplish. Even with using so few colors, she still manages to create defined details and uses the different tones to her advantage.

Watcher by kaori125The Black Egg by kaori125

She also does some ink works which are really impressive. There are so many details and a lot going on. But it doesn't feel too busy because of the lack of other colors besides black/white. 

Carmilla by kaori125trees by kaori125

I just really love how she incorporates a sense of horror without directly showing it. I feel like she shows fear, or anxiety, or even narcissism in a subtle way. It's just incredibly dark and somewhat mysterious. I don't really have a lot of information on this artist, which is both strange and interesting at the same time. While I love learning about artists I really like, I for some reason also love these unknown artists that have very little information about themselves and the meaning behind some of their pieces are not explained and it's up to you to figure out what they were trying to say.


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