Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Anna Dittmann

August by escume

Anna Dittmann is digital artist from San Francisco. She does a lot of portraits and creates this sense of delicacy and beauty with each one. 

Crown by escume

The first thing I noticed about her paintings are that the colors are always very soft and I think it works incredibly well with her works. With the contrast between the sharpness of the details on the face and the softness and lack of small details in the rest, it makes the face the focal point, but isn't distracting from the rest of the piece. 

Adorn by escumeVein by escume

I also find it interesting how she tends to have her subject's face or eyes looking somewhere else. It kind of makes the painting feel a little disconnected and distant, which isn't a bad thing. Even though the piece is really beautiful, it's almost like a depressing or lost feeling of beautiful. 

Comb by escumeAmherst by escume

With some of her pieces, she uses fairly bright colors but its not so bright and contrasting where it looks strange. I think even with the colors, it still shares the same sort of feeling as the rest of her pieces. I also think she's very skilled in picking out colors that work well together, which is something not a lot of people are good at. 

August by escumeDecember by escume

February by escume

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