Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Speedpainting 56 by RHADS

Rhads is a Russian digital artist that I found a while back and was always pretty fond of his work, especially his speed paints. Though the rest of his works are very beautiful and detailed, I was just drawn to these scenic paintings that were done only in a few hours or less than an hour.

Even though they look sort of messy, it's really fascinating to see how he chose to represent little details in quick strokes and colors. They aren't super clear either, but you can still tell what the image is and I think this almost abstract way of creating these landscapes can make them so much more interesting, since he doesn't focus on the little details, but the colors and shapes.
Speedpaint 59 Motley Grass by RHADSi can't leave you by RHADS

He also uses a lot of drastically different sizes brushes in the same areas. It creates this texture without spending so much time trying to create an exact replica.

Speedpainting 48 by RHADS

Speedpainting 33 by RHADS

I also really like the atmosphere he gives his paintings by using colors and perspective. Even with very hopeful and bright colors, he still manages to create a sense of isolation or emptiness in his works. There's usually something like a path that leads you into the image, and it seems like it just goes on forever. 

Speedpainting 34 by RHADS

Speedpainting 54 Ukok by RHADS

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