Saturday, May 3, 2014

Transformation Artist Statement


When first starting this piece I was excited to work on it. I did not think much about what material I wanted to use because band-aids stuck out a lot for me. It was an object I was very familiar with and knew that it portray a deeper idea than another material might have. Hands are very beautiful to me and like the material, can represent something just by being itself. I also like the connection between a hand and a bandage, since bandages are generally skin-colored like they are attempting to be unseen, or to make something not noticeable.
The function of the band-aids has changed in this piece, which was my goal. They are used to hide, fix, and cover rather than heal and protect.
I tried to work line into my piece because it was lacking something interesting or eye-catching. This entire process was an experiment and nothing was pre-planned. I regret not thinking more about the construction of this piece because I am not proud of it. I added the pills to hopefully create something interesting, but it turned out looking messy. There’s clearly some meaning behind it, it just did not come out the way I had hoped. 

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