Friday, May 2, 2014

Axel Torvenius

'Ferni' - midget sculpture by torvenius

Axel Torvenius is a Swedish artist who does a variety of works but I find his sculptures to be my favorite and most interesting.

He tends to work with a lot of dark and creepy images and ideas which I really love. The way he uses the unproportional bodies with long, thin limbs makes it feel more like a monster and something you should be scared of because it lacks normal human qualities. Even with the skull, it isn't a complete human skull which I find really interesting looking. I think this artist really understands creepy. 

Fetchin - Little Black Angel by torvenius

He also does a series of masks which are also creepy/gross. 

Mask - Vagina Dentata by torvenius
Mask - 'Shark Grin' by torvenius
New mask - 'Accident 01' by torvenius

The decayed look of the mask in combination with the teeth and openings really make you wonder about the idea of a mask. They almost look like a person wearing some kind of mask, instead of the entire piece being a mask. The craftsmanship also looks incredible and I really wish I could see one of these in person.

"Unwanted with teeth tummy" by torvenius"Unwanted Prince" by torvenius
"Unwanted and black ribcage" by torvenius

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