Saturday, May 3, 2014

Anne Frank Memorial

1. Describe what you see, including location (context) and physical space.
It's pretty open and spacious. There's not a lot of nature direction on/in the memorial site. Though its spacious, it still feels kind of close and not too open where it feels very empty. The seating type area kind of makes it feel more close, yet it does create a feeling of emptiness since no one is sitting on them most of the time. 

2. Describe the varying degrees of representation.
I don't feel like the representation of the memorial is supposed to be very aesthetically pleasing or artistic/creative looking because its pretty plain with the exception of the sculpture of Anne Frank. I don't see any other way you could look at it and see something wildly creative or something. It's mostly just about the words/quotes and history. 

3. What are visual elements/principles that dominate in the memorial?
Space, color, shape/form. There's varying forms of space and closeness of objects to one another. It's noticeably pretty spacious, yet closed off because of the wall-like stones surrounding certain parts of the memorial. The colors are pretty neutral, there's not a wide variety of colors. I think if it were more colorful, it would create a different feeling when you walked into the memorial and it might take away some of the historical value. The area is also pretty circular and round, the seats are shaped like a dome and the walls surrounding the area are as well. 

4. Is this memorial "site-specific"?  Explain.
I'm not really sure. I don't really understand why it was put here, but it seems like it belongs here. The architecture sort of fits in with the rest of the area around the memorial. 

5. Who created, designed and funded this memorial? 
Boise Parks and Recreation, the community, Idaho Human Rights Education Center, and the Boise Council.

6. What materials/media were used to create this memorial? 
Some sort of stone, I'm not really sure. There's not a lot of different materials used besides the sculpture of Anne Frank which looks like some kind of metal. 

7. How does the text/word elements function?
They give a more informational feeling rather than artistic feeling. 

8. Reflection on your answers to the previous questions, what do you think was the intended meaning/function? Explain what is communicated.
To educate people and especially children about human rights, equality and history. 

9. In your opinion, how successful is this memorial? Explain.
At first I wasn't really that impressed because I just thought it would be about Anne Frank and WW2, but it turned out to be pretty different than what I had thought. I also didn't know how big the area was until I started walking around. I think also by not making the memorial entirely historical and making it more about teaching and educating people about human rights it feels like it can appeal to more people by also making it more personal. 

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