Eadweard Muybridge was born in Thames, England back in 1830 and seemed to have a fairly regular childhood. As an adult, he eventually moved to America where he acquired a few jobs and discovered his interest in photography.
Over time, he finally landed a job in 1872 to determine whether all four of a horse's hooves were in the air at the same time as it was running. He at first used 12 different cameras to capture the same movement at different times and locations. It took him nearly 8 years to perfect this capture and found that all four hooves did indeed leave the ground at the same time while running.
Muybridge continued working with photographing animals and humans and their movements. As an already known photographer, he published and sold books and taught his methods around the world.
His works were mainly focused on movement, or movement over time. He created motion with still photos which seemed to be pretty different and original at the time. It seems like his inspiration first came from his job with the horse and was interested in frame-by-frame movement ever since.
"Eadweard Muybridge." 2014. The Biography.com website. May 06 2014http://www.biography.com/people/eadweard-muybridge-9419513.
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