Friday, May 2, 2014


.. by hoooook

Hoooook is a Korean digital artist. I first saw one of his pieces online and was instantly drawn to his work. He creates these almost fantasy-like paintings that are simple yet incredibly beautiful. 

Cordyceps militaris by hoooook 
.. by hoooook

He creates these intense, yet soft looking pieces. He does a lot of with color as well, which certainly helps his works. He tends to choose 1 or 2 colors and work them into the painting, leaving a certain feeling in his works. 

I also really love that he works in such a large scale. When you zoom in on his paintings they are very large and you can see the little workings and details he's added. I love being able to see brush strokes and such.
In this painting below, there is a lot more detail and it looks very beautiful up close. Which is strange because normally paintings up close look pretty bad, or at least not better than far away. I just really love the textures he uses with his brushes. It creates a very natural feeling to the piece.

 -5-4 by hoooook

.. by hoooook007 by hoooook

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