Saturday, February 15, 2014

Ronit Baranga

Ronit Baranga is an Israeli artist and sculptor. I found this artist online through Juxtapoz Magazine. I instantly loved her work, because I love all things strange and creepy. I feel like she also is drawn to similar things as I am, such figures and specific parts of the figure. I personally really like hands, and she does a lot of sculptures with hands. 

I love her style. It's so simple, yet very clever and thought-provoking. It kind of makes you think why she choses that specific body part and implants them into some everyday object or morphs them into something familiar.

The colors she chooses are normally very dull- grays and whites, with an occasional splash of color. I really like how she chooses the colors though, even if they are very simple. Sometimes simple is best.

It even kind of looks like it's regular clay that has never been fired. I do believe she makes good choices in the colors because I feel that if there was too much or even a little but of color in this piece it would be very busy and you wouldn't be able to see the small details.

It also seems that in a lot of her pieces there is repetition, or some sort of gathering of something similar.

I love how she chooses to use a gloss-type coating/glaze on some of her pieces. Especially the ones with the mouths because it makes it appear more realistic. 

I feel like maybe her intention of some her pieces shows how we can make anything out of our bodies, or possibly mocking those who become so inhuman and artificial. I'm not really that sure, but I feel like there's something she's trying to say and these pieces aren't void of any sort of meaning.

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